Chapter 6:热机


Second Law of themodinamie:Certain direction

Thermal energy reservoirs / heats reservoirs.热库:

  • can absorb or reject finite s aments of heat isothermally (等温吸收一定热量)

heat engine 热机


Refrigerators 冷机

refrigerator 制冷

  • COP (coefficient of performance)

heat Pump 热泵


Kelvin -Planck

  • No Heat Engine can produis a net amount of work whole exchanging heat with a sigh reservoirs only.
  • 任何热机不能在仅与一个热源进行热交换的情况下产生净功率。


  • Si both the system and the surroundings can be restored. to. thar original condition:
  • 如果系统和周围环境都能恢复到原来的状态。

Cannot cycle

reversible 可逆

Carnot principal

Carnot heat engine

Scale 热力学温标

  • 开氏温标(Kelvin scal)