Chapter 1 Introduction And Basic Concepts.



1.1 Termodynamic and Energy

Conservation of energy principal conservation

\[ E_{in}-E_{out}=\Delta E \]

first Law of thermodynamic

  1. an expression of the conservation of emerge principate

Second law of thermodynamic energy,

  1. Quality of energy. quality

classical thermodynamic et statistical thermodynamic

1.2 Dimension de Units.

dimension 量纲、Unit 单位

  1. fundamental dimension 基本单位
  2. nomprimary units = secondory unrel 次要单位
  3. unity conversion 单位转换

system surrouding boundary

  • closed système - control masse
  • isolated system
  • open system ∼ control volume

Extensive properties [广度量] & intensive properties [强度量]

Specific Properties [单位质量下的物理量]

  1. specific energie : \(e=\frac{E}{m}\)


  • continues
  • homogenous
  • matter with no holes

1.3 Density and Specific Cravity


  • \(\rho = \frac mv\)

specific volume

  • \(v=\frac{V}{m}=\frac{1}{\rho}\)

specific gravity, or relative density

  • \(\begin{aligned}S G=\frac{\rho}{P_{H_2O}}\end{aligned}\)

specific weight (比重)

  • \(y_{s}=\rho \cdot g\)

1.4 States And Equilibrium

States 状态

Equilibrim 平衡

a state of balance

  • thermal equilibrium: \(T_1 = T_2\)
  • Mechanical equilibrium:\(P_{1}=P_{2}\)
  • Phase/Chemical equilibrium

1.5 States postulate 状态假设


Simple compressible system

in absence of electrical, magnetic, gravitational. motion and surface action



One property can varied while the other is held constant

1.6 Process and Cycles.


  • initale states + porch + final states

quasi-static/quasi-equilibrium process

iso- 衡量

  • isothermal- process
  • isobaric - process
  • isochoric (isometric) - process


  • initial+path

steady-flow process 稳流过程

1.7 热力学第0定律

Temperature and thermal equilibre

Scale 温标

  • celsins scale
  • faherenheit scale
  • kelvin scale

1.8 压力 Pressure

absolute pressure

  • gage pressure 计视压力
  • vacuum pressure 真空压力

\[ \left\{\begin{array}{l}P_{\text {gage }}= P_{\text {abs }}-P_{\text {atm }} \\P_{vac} =P_{\text {atm }}-P_{\text {abs }}\end{array}\right. \]

1.9 Problem Solving Technique 解题一般步骤

  1. Problem Statement 陈述

  2. Schematic 示意图

  3. Assumption and Approximation 假设

  4. Physic Law 物理定律

  5. Properties 常量

  1. Reasoning. Cerification. Discuttion 解题